Saturday, March 31, 2012

Autism and what it means|Symptoms of Autism | Total Health and ...

ASD or?autistic spectrum disorders are a range of developmental disorders which include?Autism and Asperger syndromes. Previously,many children were just thought of as being a bit slow on the uptake or maybe a difficult child or just withdrawn when all along they had some form of Autism which was not correctly diagnosed.

  • Autistic Disorder
  • Asperger Syndrome
  • Pervasive developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

Autistic Disorder

Autistic Disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that normally develops during the first three years of a childs life. A child with autism appears to live in a world of their own, appearing to show very little interest in others and have a lack of social awareness. what an autistic child prefers is a consistent routine along with an interest in repeating odd and peculiar behaviors. Autistic children can very often have problems in communication, seemingly trying to avoid eye contact and show very limited ?to no attachment to others.

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger syndrome is not so easy to spot as it is mostly a ?hidden disability?,meaning that by looking at someone who does suffer from Aspergers, by their outward appearance you would be unlikely to know.They are likely to have far less trouble with language and learning,indeed many will be of above average intelligence.Asperger sufferers may find it hard to interact properly as they can struggle to understand other peoples moods and facial expression.They may well find it hard to get the latest joke or be sure when to stop or strike up a conversation.

Pervasive developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

PDDNOS ?is used to refer to children who also have fairly significant problems with communication and play, and some degree of difficulty in ?interaction with others, but are too social to be considered autistic.

It is clear that most of the major symptoms shown by a child with autism really lie within three categories.

  • Social Interaction-many children suffering from Autism find it very hard to interact with others.Many fail to have any thoughts for other peoples feelings or emotions.
  • Poor language and/or communication skills-Often poorly developed language skills along with seemingly unable to join in with, or make conversation.
  • Eratic behaviour-Often children with Autism develop repetitive movements like for instance hand tapping or rocking motion. Routines can become?habitual and any change not liked.

The Outlook

Many children with moderate symptoms who have average or above-average intelligence can very often grow up to lead completely normal lives and jobs raise a family of their own Unfortunately, children that suffer with more severe symptoms and who have below-average intelligence will find it more difficult to live independently as adults and may need additional care and assistance. However, there is no reason why this should stop them from enjoying a good quality of life.

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